As a truck driver, you care about even the most minute details of your truck’s upkeep. After all, you don’t want a malfunctioning part to prevent you from completing your day’s work. But like all things in life, trucks wear down with age. When you need a new driveline for your truck, you can count on the team at Godfrey Brake Service & Supply to help.
Located in Rapid City, South Dakota, we sell custom drivelines to truck drivers all across the state. Whether you drive a commercial truck, a dump truck, a military truck, or a farm truck, we have a driveline to fit your vehicle. We can even replace your old driveline for you.
Ask Us for Assistance

Not sure if it’s your driveline or something else that’s causing your truck to make that strange noise? Come into our shop and ask a member of our team. We assist everyone from start-up truck owners to well-established commercial fleet owners, and we are always willing and available to answer any questions you may have.
Give us a call or come into our shop today to find out more about our custom drivelines for heavy-duty trucks.
Trust the Locals
Our company was started back in 1955 by our current owners’ father, Ray Godfrey. Our current owners are two of his sons, and several of our employees are his grandchildren. We have kept the business in the family and in the community. We strive to provide our customers with neighborly service, and we are on a first-name basis with many of them.
For friendly, reliable service, you can’t beat Godfrey Brake Service & Supply.
Come Check Out Our Custom Drivelines Today
For custom drivelines for your truck, come into our store today. You can also call us at (605) 343-5030. We look forward to helping you take care of your truck.